Welcome 2021!

We are starting off the year with new love for life in the orchard. It has given us a wonderful environment during the 2020 winter. Sheryl has made many new pieces of artwork for our small gallery at the orchard.

The preserved fruits have been a constant part of our dinner menus during the winter. Our favorite is icy, semi frozen fruit sitting atop a hill of fresh greens. We collect sherry and balsamic vinegars for the vinaigrettes.

Pruning is underway. The winter has been extremely mild. Stay optimistic, a fabulous season will unfold. We look forward to seeing our many visitors during this summer 2021. Happy New Days to all.

a link to some of the artwork:

2 thoughts on “Welcome 2021!”

  1. Hi Dan
    You need to keep posting! Old people like me want to go to your website.
    Yours truly,
    Mary Jane Keitel


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